“Amber Rose Abandons Feminism After Witnessing ‘Dark Side’ of Women’s Behavior”

A Change of Heart
Amber Rose, the famous American model and actress, has revealed that she no longer identifies as a feminist. In a candid interview on the Club Shay Shay podcast, Rose explained that her decision stems from witnessing the “dark side of what women can do,” including manipulative behaviors like lying about pregnancies and abortions to extort men.

Her comments have sparked a heated debate about feminism, gender dynamics, and the complexities of modern relationships.

Amber Rose’s Revelation
During the podcast, Rose shared personal experiences that led her to distance herself from feminism. She recounted instances where her female friends engaged in deceitful practices to manipulate men financially.

“I have had girlfriends lie about abortions to get money. Some even act like they are pregnant [to extort men]. It’s disgusting. This is why I stopped my SlutWalk. This is why I’m no longer a feminist,” she said.

Rose also criticized women who lie about being on birth control to “trap” men into unwanted pregnancies. “If a man cums inside of you and you said you’re on birth control, he trusts you. You don’t have to trap him like that,” she added.

The End of SlutWalk
Amber Rose’s decision to step away from feminism also marks the end of her involvement with the SlutWalk movement, which she founded in 2015. The movement aimed to combat slut-shaming and promote gender equality, but Rose now feels disillusioned by the actions of some women.

Her comments suggest a shift in her perspective, as she grapples with the ethical complexities of gender dynamics and personal responsibility.

Reactions: A Divided Audience
Rose’s statements have elicited mixed reactions. Some applaud her for speaking out against manipulative behavior, while others argue that her experiences should not discredit the broader goals of feminism. Critics point out that feminism is about equality and empowerment, not excusing harmful actions by individuals.

The debate has reignited discussions about the role of feminism in addressing both systemic issues and personal accountability.

Conclusion: A Broader Conversation
Amber Rose’s decision to renounce feminism highlights the nuanced and often contentious nature of gender discussions. While her experiences have shaped her perspective, they also underscore the importance of addressing harmful behaviors on both sides of the gender divide.

As the conversation continues, Rose’s story serves as a reminder that feminism, like any movement, must evolve to address the complexities of modern relationships and societal expectations.

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